Colletrix - Aims to revolutionize the IP trading industry

The development of Blockchain technology to expand the comfort of group actions still leaves a variety of performance evaluations. the action of this group has a crystal rectifier for medical assistance, so that everyone must prepare for technology transfer. The opportunity gap for the use of technology has begun since the web will be accessed by everyone to urge data from various components of the planet.

Everyone throughout will be connected so they need distance that is eliminated by faster communication. At present, web utilization is no longer limited to providing data but providing prices. this is often proven by various platforms developed to meet human needs every day. one of the fastest growing platforms is the e-commerce platform.

The existence of e-commerce makes the need for a payment system that is integrated with the platform. that is what makes third parties the answer to making payments, however, it requires time and money, so it is less effective. the level of security in transactions must also be questioned. Blockchain technology shows are also one of them to defeat the issue of payment.

The blockchain technology platform is provided to supply payment systems that can eliminate third parties. This makes transactions will be carried out quickly. For information security, there are few questions, and blockchain technology uses suburban systems so that it will make every information secure with strict access rights for group action data.

User trust will be designed with a high transparency construct so that transactions can be recorded in real-time. Most of the platforms that are currently designed to switch to the abuse of blockchain technology as a result of the options they need will facilitate users to interact a lot safely and well. each user can even use blockchain technology to benefit from each group action made.

Colletrix is ​​a young platform at the moment, but even at that time it has shown a great prospect that shows clearly what it has for the future. The fact that the project team came from Asia was enough to make it successful, but more than that they were also big, experienced, and diligent. So this platform is one that you should pay attention to.

Colletrix gives artists the ability to transform their IP into digital assets, enabling them to better protect their IP.

Who Participates in the Colletrix Platform?

Everyone will participate in the Colletrix platform with many roles. every role that is owned can make every user who has a different contribution too. Roles that have an effect on liquidity transactions include owners of information processing, Merchandisers, Collectors and CIPX Holders. Colletrix can be a different platform to offer owners access to the first information processing to the opportunity to provide period licenses.

Each role is connected after the transaction occurs in the scheme. The owner processes the information attached to a typical NFT that has a secondary market. Merchandisers can verify what things might be listed in the scheme. Users of the World Health Organization have the duty as collectors to obtain merchandise with different characteristics.

Any merchandise that can be accessed in the scheme can be a typical luxury item that might be special. This can be adjusted to the owner of information processing. Confidence in merchandise will also be maintained with the use of blockchain technology construction so that product history may stand out. getting merchandise can be done by exploiting CIPX. an important role is also needed by CIPX homeowners to be ready to provide tokens to users that the World Health Organization wants.

Can users have many roles? affirmative, which might occur. someone can be ready to become a CIPX collector and supervisor. That depends on how the user interacts in the scheme. Basically, one and all have important roles in the scheme property so that many users of the World Health Organization interact, the higher the level of liquidity of the scheme.

What do IP Owners do on the Colletrix Platform?

This project aims to provide access to the owner of the original IP

opportunity to provide a lifetime license through NFT adoption. The typical style of homeowner information processing will be included in their unique NFT and consequently end with the creation of a secondary IP-NFT market ("NFT Marketplace"). homeowners processing information will be rewarded.

Attractiveness of the Platform for Collectors

The addition of a broad scientific style is undoubtedly the most attractive combination of early crypto-physical merchandise in the world. The NFT provided with typical merchandise is the biggest attraction for collectors. not limited to NFT collectors, however, it can even be used to collect merchandise. this can occur as a result of the NFT and merchandise has a limited amount.

In order to be competitive demand, offers are limited. It can even increase high costs on the market. the extensive science style described by NFT will become a new collector for fans. this idea was given with blockchain technology to produce full support for digital coming.

Active Mercantilism and NFT purchases encourage high liquidity from CIPX and recognition. Blockchain-based technology can facilitate audit trails in order to support historical ownership. it will also include data on trade and collateral collections that are real and inadequate for collectors.


Through the Platform, Colletrix strives to create new market value by integrating IP toensization. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and the new economy. Therefore, we will do so to expand the possibility for all IP owners and makers around the world to make long-term licenses for their IP6; and for traders, we will offer new market value for their physical commodities through the blockchain application, maximizing the attractiveness and benefits of their products. Every time a token is traded. Consumers can verify the authenticity of their collections through token information stored on the blockchain.

Colletrix is ​​supported by talented teams from UNDONE, Animoca Brands, Future Arena, and Bitwork Accelerator. UNDONE will bring its trade expertise to show the benefits of blockchain technology for merchandise, Animoca Brands will introduce a broad network of IP owners and blockchain and gamification technologies, while Future Arena will use a strong IP portfolio of sports and entertainment - all to create an IP creation, trade ecosystem dynamic, and physical trading using blockchain technology.

How does Colletrix work?

Colletrix compensates intellectual property owners through a number of techniques that include integrating them into the blockchain as a start.

The platform operates by creating non-exchangeable tokens (NFT), this token is related to each intellectual property that it represents. That is, IP owners will be able to issue lifetime licenses to users of their intellectual property through the IP-NFT market, ensuring they make money from their Intellectual property as long as possible.

Smart contracts that are run on the colletrix platform will be very beneficial for the entire ecosystem. Smart contracts allow transactions to be done automatically and at any time when needed, what is done is to provide speed and efficiency, because transactions do not need to be started manually but will be carried out at specified intervals. This action also encourages transparency.

Info Token

Colletrix will issue its own ecosystem token, Colletrix Token (CIPX). CIPX is a cryptocurrency that is supported by the Ethereum network with the ERC-20 standard. Therefore, all records related to CIPX can be seen using the Ethereum browser.

Token Name: Colletrix

Symbol: CIPX

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC721

IEO Assessment

IEO Total Value: US $ 1,192,800

Total Token Supply: 20,000,000,000 CIPX

Price per Token: US $ 0.001988

Initial Pairing Token: BTC ETH

IEO Schedule

Beginning in March 2019 Project Colletrix was announced

April 2019 the Colletrix whitetaper is formulated

End of April 2019 the Colletrix whitepaper is published publicly

Mid May 2019 The private round begins

End of May 2019 The private round ends

May 2019 Development of Colletrix Beta

June 2019 The IEO starts

June 2019 Colletrix Beta is launched

Q3 2019 Launching the first IP x item at Colletrix Marketplace

The IEO will start from the first week of June 2019, token buyers can buy CIPX tokens based on who takes precedence, served first up to 200,000,000 tokens for sale. The Token Buyer will receive the CIPX token within 5 working days after the IEO is complete.

Sales Tokens and Release Schedules

Target of sales token is US $ 7,272,000

Private sales cycle of US $ 6,079,200 (3,400,000,000 CIPX)

IEO Round US $ 1,192,800 (600,000,000 CIPX)

Token for sale of 4,000,000,000 CIPX

Public vehicles 3%

Individual Minimum Limit of US $ 100

Individual Hat US $ 5,000

Personal Round & IEO

Vesting period

Personal: On the list of 10% / Month 2 releases 20% / Month 3 releases 30% / 4 months releases 40%. IEO: on the list of 100%

When a customer repurchases an NFT, he acquires ownership of a digital clock's assets and physical assets. All information about the owner is uploaded to the Ethereum network, where everyone can access the data. The owner can also see NFT visualized (according to the watch's IP design) directly on the platform. The owner can decide to save the NFT (for evaluation if there is a limited release of designer items) or sell it on the NFT market to others. NFT can be purchased with CIPX and other cryptocurrency on NFT. The initial IP design owner will receive a designated license prize as a reward for trading and all subsequent NFT trades, which will be part of the trading price provided by NFT sellers and buyers.


Colletrix is a project that has captured the world's attention because of its unique and extraordinary use, this project will definitely be one of the most respected projects in this space in the future.

Based on the data and facts seen, Colletrix is very good for review and investment. This is based on the reality for now, many projects are not good, and makes everyone who invests a lot of questions about their certainty and truth, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article that I made, so you can find out more about this Colletrix project from them.


ETH: 0x719c2957A916d24B7d47497d8aaFbF0123d0784c


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